Food & Feed Drying Technology: A Practical Approach
This book provides practical information on different drying technologies used across the range of food and feed products. It includes design procedures with examples from the authors’ industrial experience.
Drying is amongst the most commonly utilised operations in food and feed processing (and other other process industries). It is also one of the most energy-intensive, therefore making it a significant operation with respect to both processing cost and carbon footprint.
In many companies, if the dryer is producing suitable product, it tends to be ignored. Typically, many industrial drying processes are performing adequately, but not well. These deficiencies may be with respect to energy efficiency or production efficiency, or with respect to product quality and consistency. If we take the time to understand our drying processes, we often find significant opportunities for improving productivity.
This text draws on the wide industry experience of the two authors, gained over decades across a wide range of products, industries, and drying technologies. Relevant theoretical background is presented, but with a practical focus – describing tools which can be used in industry to understand, analyse, and improve drying processes. It includes worked examples – from the authors’ practical experience - to demonstrate how these tools can be applied.
ISBN 978-0-9945433-7-0
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List price AUD$360 (USD$235) - less 10% for online orders
Plus shipping charges and 10% GST for Australian orders.
*Some jurisdictions may apply additional import duties, charged directly to the receiver of the book/s.
20% discount if purchased when attending one of our courses, or if ordered in advance with registration.
10% discount if purchased online from FiE.
Food & Feed Extrusion Technology: An Applied Approach to Extrusion Theory
This book provides background on extrusion technology relevant to all types of extruded food products. This new Second Edition contains an additional chapter on Optimising Screw Design, as well as other additions and improvements.
Like the courses, this book aims to present the theory behind extrusion technology, but in a way which clearly applies in practice. Understanding the theory behind the process – and how it applies – means that formulations and processes can be designed to be more robust, appropriate equipment can be selected for the required duty, and effective operating procedures and guidelines can be developed – leading to reliable processes and consistent product.
This book is relevant to all types of extruded human foods and animal feeds, and all types of equipment used to produce them: single- and twin-screw extruders, and specialised snack food machines. It considers how the equipment and processes operate, and how the process conditions interact with the ingredients.
ISBN 978-0-9945433-4-9
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List price AUD$340 (USD$220) - less 10% for online orders
Plus shipping charges and 10% GST for Australian orders.
*Some jurisdictions may apply additional import duties, charged directly to the receiver of the book/s.
20% discount if purchased when attending one of our Extrusion courses, or if ordered in advance with registration.
10% discount if purchased online from FiE.
Tecnología de Extrusión Para Alimentos y Piensos: Teoría de la Extrusión un Enfoque Aplicado
Este libro proporciona antecedentes sobre la tecnología de extrusión relevante para todo tipo de productos alimenticios extruidos. Esta nueva Segunda Edición contiene un capítulo adicional sobre la Optimización del Diseño de Tornillos, así como otras adiciones y mejoras.
Esta nueva segunda edición contiene un capítulo adicional sobre "Desarrollo óptimo de los perfiles del tornillo", así como otras adiciones y mejoras.
Al igual que los cursos, este libro tiene como objetivo presentar la teoría detrás de la tecnología de extrusión, pero de una manera que se aplique claramente en la práctica. Comprender la teoría detrás del proceso y cómo se aplica significa que se pueden diseñar formulaciones y procesos para que sean más robustos, se puede seleccionar el equipo apropiado para la tarea requerida y se pueden desarrollar procedimientos y pautas operativos efectivos, lo que conduce a procesos confiables y producto consistente.
Este libro es relevante para todo tipo de alimentos extruidos para humanos y animales, y todo tipo de equipos utilizados para producirlos: extrusoras de uno o dos tornillos y máquinas especializadas para snacks. Considere cómo operan los equipos y los procesos, y cómo las condiciones del proceso interactúan con los ingredientes.
ISBN 978-0-9945433-5-6
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Precio de lista AUD $340 (USD$220) - menos 10% para pedidos en línea
Más gastos de envío y 10% GST para pedidos Australianos.
*Algunas jurisdicciones pueden aplicar derechos de importación adicionales, que se cobran directamente al destinatario de los libros.
20% de descuento si se compra al asistir a uno de nuestros cursos de Extrusión, o si se solicita con anticipación con el registro.
10% de descuento si se compra en línea en FiE.
The Design of Food Extrusion Dies
“The milliseconds an extruded product spends in the die controls the whole extrusion process".”
This book is unique in providing specific guidance on die design, with worked examples and tutorials.
The die is fundamental to the extrusion process. Not only because it must achieve the correct size and shape (though for most extruded products these are important), but because the pressure developed at the die determines the residence time, mixing, and flow in the extruder screw/barrel – it controls the “cook” achieved. The way in which this pressure is relieved as the product passes through the die assembly determines the expansion characteristics – which affects size, texture, and density. The product interaction with the wall of the die affects surface texture and appearance, and the generation of “fines”.
This book is unique in compiling detailed information on extruder die design, as specifically applied to food and feed products. It not only explains the fundamental principles, but also provides practical advice on the die design process, with worked examples. Separate chapters on design of dies for specialist applications – including co-extrusion and pasta – are included.
ISBN 978-0-9945433-2-5
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List price AUD$380 (USD$250)
Plus shipping charges and 10% GST for Australian orders.
*Some jurisdictions may apply additional import duties, charged directly to the receiver of the book/s.
20% discount if purchased when attending one of our extrusion courses, or if ordered in advance with registration.
10% discount purchased online from FiE.
Food Extrusion Process Scale-Up & Process Transfer
Scaling an extrusion process involves an understanding of many process variables. This book shows how scientific and engineering principles can be used to achieve the required outcome.
Many have commented that extrusion is more a “black art” or “witchcraft”, rather than a science.
Scaling an extrusion process (e.g., from pilot scale to production scale) or transferring a process from one type of extruder to another (of the same or different makes/models), involves an understanding of many process variables. This book takes a complex task, commonly approached largely on an empirical (or “trial and error”) basis and shows how scientific and engineering principles can be assembled to design the required outcome – that is, the manufacture of the same product.
Following a brief review of extrusion theory, the book discusses methods to quantify both material rheology and the extrusion process. Principles and application of “DimensionalAnalysis” techniques are also presented.
This is then used as a basis for a planned approach to scale-up and/or process transfer. Analysis and scale-up of extrusion dies are covered as separate topics. Worked examples -taken from actual industrial scale-up experience - are used to demonstrate the methods.
The aim is to provide readers with a science-based approach to this topic, which applies to real industrial processes. The limitations inherent in scaling the process are also discussed, along with an outline of how small-scale trials should be planned so that processes are more scalable.
ISBN 978-0-9945433-6-3
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List price AUD$380 (USD250)
Plus shipping charges and 10% GST for Australian orders.
› Some jurisdictions may apply additional import duties, charged directly to the receiver of the book/s.
20% discount if purchased when attending one of our Extrusion courses, or if ordered in advance with registration.
10% discount if purchased online from FiE.
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